Figure One: Variation in the network characteristics of the Sustainable Development Goals. Goals are scaled in relation to scores for Degree, Strength, Closeness and Betweenness centrality metrics (see Supplementary Methods 1). The number of each Goal is adjacent to the nodes and numbering is as follows: No Poverty (Goal 1); Reducing Hunger (Goal 2); Good Health and Well-being (Goal 3); Quality Education (Goal 4); Gender Equality (Goal 5); Clean Water and Sanitation (Goal 6); Affordable and Clean Energy (Goal 7); Decent Work and Economic Growth (Goal 8); Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (Goal 9); Reduced Inequalities (Goal 10); Sustainable Cities and Communities (Goal 11) ; Responsible Production and Consumption (Goal 12); Climate Action (Goal 13); Life Below Water (Goal 14); Life on Land (Goal 15);Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (Goal 16). Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) was not included in the analysis.

An imperfect vision of indivisibility in the Sustainable Development Goals

Figure One: Variation in the network characteristics of the Sustainable Development Goals. Goals are scaled in relation to scores for Degree, Strength, Closeness and Betweenness centrality metrics (see Supplementary Methods 1). The number of each Goal is adjacent to the nodes and numbering is as follows: No Poverty (Goal 1); Reducing Hunger (Goal 2); Good Health and Well-being (Goal 3); Quality Education (Goal 4); Gender Equality (Goal 5); Clean Water and Sanitation (Goal 6); Affordable and Clean Energy (Goal 7); Decent Work and Economic Growth (Goal 8); Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (Goal 9); Reduced Inequalities (Goal 10); Sustainable Cities and Communities (Goal 11) ; Responsible Production and Consumption (Goal 12); Climate Action (Goal 13); Life Below Water (Goal 14); Life on Land (Goal 15);Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (Goal 16). Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) was not included in the analysis.

An imperfect vision of indivisibility in the Sustainable Development Goals


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are presented as highly connected: an ‘interrelated’ and ‘indivisible’ agenda with need of policy coherence for implementation. We analyse the relationships among SDGs using formal systems analysis and find that the connections between Goals are uneven, with a failure to integrate gender equality, and peace and governance concerns. This incoherence may undermine policy initiatives aimed to develop approaches to implement the SDGs.

Nature Sustainability